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How to use sprayer to make corn achieve disease resistance and early maturity effect

Maize is planted in all parts of our country, especially the north is the main producing area of ​​large-scale maize. Planting disease-proof and early maturity maize can increase yields. Therefore, this article mainly introduces maize to facilitate maturity and increase yield.

1. Sowing at the right time

Optimal sowing is the high-yield period of corn sowing. Years of experience summed up the local daily average temperature stably passing 13°C as the starting temperature for sowing, which is an important measure to avoid phytotoxicity (seeding agent, herbicide), resist low temperature, and cultivate strong seedlings. To

2. Seed dressing

For every 100kg of corn, use 100mL of Gramineae + 200mL of Yihuo for seed dressing. Seed dressing mainly solves the phytotoxicity of seed coating agents, the phytotoxicity of herbicide residues, resistance to low temperature and cold damage, drought resistance, promoting seedling growth, and resistance to root diseases. ,

3. Post-emergence spraying induces disease resistance and promotes premature maturity

(1) For the first spray, 3~4 corn seedlings in the compound leaf stage, 750mL of Gramine per hectare + 750mL of beneficial care + spray volume (water consumption) 0.8% brewed vinegar mixed spray can be mixed with herbicides. It can save herbicide residues, resist low temperature, drought, and promote seedling growth. Special attention: Gramine, vinegar, brewing vinegar, etc. can be mixed with herbicides, because of the different principle of action, it will not affect weeding and eliminate pesticide damage.

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(2) For the second spray, at the 5~6 leaf stage of corn, before the pathogen germs germinate and infect, 750mL of Gramine per hectare + 750mL of beneficial care + spray volume (water consumption) 1% brewed vinegar mixed spray. Induce disease resistance to prevent large leaf spot, small leaf spot, stem stalk rot, and stalk rot in the later stage of maize growth to prevent drought in the north in August. To

(3) The third spray: Corn before jointing or after jointing at the initial stage of grouting, use 750mL of Gramineae per hectare + 750mL of benefit protection + spray volume of 1.4% brewed vinegar + potassium dihydrogen phosphate 3kg mixed spray. ,

(4) The 4th spray The spray volume of 1.4% brewed vinegar + potassium dihydrogen phosphate 3kg mixed spray was used per hectare during the filling period of corn after jointing. Pathogens have infestation period, incubation period and occurrence period in corn fields, and infestation in the 5~7 leaf stage of corn. Use probiotics, graminein, brewed vinegar, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, etc. before the disease infestation. It has balanced nutrition and the body of the corn. The role of microbial flora, beneficial flora can reduce the infection and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria to induce disease resistance. Special attention: It is recommended that the application time is too late in the past, and the medicine should be used in the early stage of the disease. For plots where corn has been cropped repeatedly for many years and serious diseases have occurred, it can be mixed for the second spray to have a synergistic effect. This technology induces disease resistance, drought resistance, low temperature resistance, prevention and antidote to pesticide damage, high yield and early maturity can increase yield by 25% to 30%. To

4. Farming issues

At present, the general farming problems of corn fields in rural areas are serious. Some have no deep loose foundation, shallow ploughing layer, and plow bottom of 10~13cm. The fertilizer is sown shallowly, and the seeds and fertilizer are often sown together. The corn roots cannot be taken down, resulting in neither drought resistance nor drought resistance. Resistance to waterlogging, impermeable rainfall, leading to rotted roots, and curling of corn leaves during drought. Reasonable farming: Deep loosening and deep turning at least once in 3 years, it is important work to break the bottom of the plow at present.